Astrology With Nikki Vega in Big Sky Country
Billings, this is a BIG week for us cosmically.
Dust is settling for many of the star signs as the holidays approach. This is a good thing for us because we all have family members that trigger us. Stay in your power during this time, hold thy tongue, and remain in your peace. Don't let the fools bog you down!
Here are your horoscopes for the week of 10-17-22!
Aries Dates March 21- April 19
Dear Aries, stop over promising what you cannot keep. You have a tendency to say yes to events, socializing, and making plans, but may not be following through with them. It’s okay to do nothing sometimes, honor your energetic boundaries, and only make plans that you know will benefit you rather than depleting you.
Taurus Dates April 20- May 20
Taurus, it’s time to get your life in order again. Organize your closet, donate un-used items, balance that checkbook, and set financial boundaries. You tend to be a spend-thrift. And you tend to over-indulge. Now is the time to make healthier choices for yourself.
Gemini Dates May 21- June 20
It’s time to plan your epic Halloween costume dear Gemini. You’re the kings and queens of ideas, now it’s time to make them come to fruition. If you don’t like dressing up, perhaps a house project that needs some attention could be getting this week. Let the creativity flow!
Cancer Dates June 21- July 22
Cancer, after September’s Mercury retrograde royally screwed up family matters, it’s time to mend the broken relationships. Own up to your wrong doings, forgive others, and peace will come to you. If you avoid, it will be detrimental to your closest relationships.
Leo Dates July 23- August 22
Your mind is a sharp one this week, dear Leo. You’re making connections with people who will bring you financial success or friendships. Having deep conversations will greatly benefit you, so leave the small talk to the Libras.
Virgo Dates August 23- September 22
Dear Virgo, your homework this week is to show love to others without spending money on material items. You are quite generous, but now is the time to show up differently. Stay loving and caring, but please have boundaries with yourself starling.
Libra Dates: September 23- October 22
It’s time to home your skills, dear Libra. You have a gift of gab; you are charming and witty. Let the light shine on those qualities this week to get these necessary projects done in a timely fashion.
Scorpio Dates: October 23- November 21
Dear Scorpio, you keep secrets hidden quite well. People consider you to be mysterious and sometimes off-putting. You do not need to be so secretive all the time. Open your heart this week in acts of service, so you can start to see the bigger picture.
Sagittarius Dates: November 22- December 21
It’s a great time to make some new friends, dearest sag. You are a socialite these days and this week, there could be love around the corner. Stay silly and playful, and don’t get too bogged down with minor details in all areas of life this week.
Capricorn Dates: December 22- January 20
Dear Capricorn, it’s time to network all that you can this week. You could be meeting some very influential people in your field of work. Every team leader loves to see a hardworking, go- getter, and that’s you Cap! Keep an open mind, and let the possibilities unfold.
Aquarius Dates: January 21- February 18
You going to be attracting people from all walks of life for the next couple weeks, dear Aqua. Be open minded and listen actively. You too can hold space for people who have given a listening ear to you.
Pisces Dates: February 19- March 19
It’s time for you to search for your truth Pisces. No more people pleasing, no more “just going with the flow.” It’s time to move mountains and that starts with boundaries for yourself. You can do it, believe in yourself!
Have a beautiful week Mixies! Slay the day today!
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