I was born. When I was 16 they gave me a microphone. I started talking. That is still what I'm doing. The end.
Aaron "Tallest DJ" Traylor
The 10 Best #MontanaisforBadasses Posts, So Far
There is a hashtag that has circulated throughout the State of Montana and beyond on various social media sites that can only be defined as 'truth'.
What Songs Did Montana State ‘Shazam’ the Most in December?
Shazam is an indispensable smart phone app that allows users to quickly identity songs just by letting it listen to a few seconds of whatever is playing. Say you are in the mall and you hear a track that you just have to learn more about...
The Most Popular Smart Phone Apps of 2015
If you are like me, you probably have pages upon pages of apps on your iPhone or Android, but only occasionally do you use a good majority of them.
Check Out This Handy Elevator Hack
Mind blowing stuff here, folks. That is, unless it’s bogus. I’m hoping someone out there can test it for me?
Weight Loss Findings Just in Time for New Year Resolutions
At least two of the these new tips on losing weight are GREAT NEWS about your health.
What Artists Did Your Parents Play That You Hated the Most?
This is the kind of singer all ladies wanted, including my mom. Yes, I had these thoughts when I was young, because I was a bizarre kid.
The Most Embarrassing Ringtones For Your Phone
How did your cell phone ringtone embarrass you? What was the ringtone?
Is Montana One of the Smarter…Or Dumber States?
It's not really fair to categorize one particular state as dumber than another, considering that every state in America has some level of buffoonery..but still, someone attempted to...
Exactly When During Your Holiday Vacation Are You Most Happy?
The exact moment of happiness PEAKS around the third day of a vacation. And it's true!
Are These the Best HBO Shows of All Time?
You may, or may not agree with these picks from Uproxx.com that compile the best HBO cable shows in history.