Billings School Board Meeting an Abomination; Your Votes Can Help
Last night's school board meeting for Emily was a real abomination.
I have to say though it didn't surprise me at all. I knew going in what it was going to be like.
Right away how the meeting would be handled with the emphasis on "not going to deal at this time with Emily's eligibility".
After a TWO HOUR filibuster by all of the board members and administrators, it was finally the public's turn. The raucous crowd was in no mood for their protocol and excuses with many outbursts during the meeting for action. It seemed to fall on deaf ears.
I had signed up early to speak and after waiting 3 hours and 15 minutes, I finally gave up and went home. I was told they did finally call my name at 10 p.m., 3rd from last on the list.
I have never witnessed something so pathetic in my life:15 educators in one way or another spending two hours giving the public all the reasons why disabled kids should not be allowed in school if they age out at 19.
These are educators, they are supposed to be advocates for all kids. SHAMEFUL.
Folks, the ballots go out next week for the mill levy and school board candidates. Send them a message, take charge of your schools, it's that important.
It appears that Shannon Johnson, zone 3; Chad Nelson, zone 4; Kristen Gilfeather, zone 5; and John Von Langen zone 7 seem to be the best candidates to start initiating change.
Your votes matter. If you want accountability then you have the ability to bring that on.
See you next week for another big announcement.
We stand with Emily.
CONGRATS: Graduates, Class of 2021 From Montana Schools
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