Happy Father’s Day To My Dad
Sunday is Father's Day and I have been more than blessed with a Dad who has been in my life, my whole life. I know some don't get the pleasure of knowing their Dad, seeing him often or getting to have a lifetime with him but I'm so thankful that that is my story.
Every year I think about what to get him. About what he likes, what he loves to do. But the man has EVERYTHING. I'm serious. From a boat with all the fishing gear to a wood shop that couldn't possibly hold another piece of wood and don't even get me started on guitars.... He's got it all and done it all. If fact, I'd be willing to bet I know more about tools, generally speaking, than most dudes. I grew up an only child so I learned girl and boy things!
He takes care of my Mom and he's provided for our family. He's fixed every leak and crack that can be imagined. He's volunteered for everything under the sun and he would honestly give the shirt off his back to anyone. He's the life of the party and the common sense one when my Mom and I come up with some crazy cocamainy plan.
Did I mention he loves food? And antiquing?
He's quite the guy and I'm so glad he's my Daddy :)
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