Happy Memorial Day Weekend
Happy Memorial Day weekend! Three day weekends are the absolute best but don't forget what Memorial Day is truly about. Take the time to honor its meaning this weekend. Our men and women in uniform are so amazing and they really do have the hardest job around. Thank you to them we get to live in the land of the free because of the brave. Most people would not be able to do what they do. Thank you to all of those who have served and who are currently serving our country.
Of course this weekend is the kick off to summer and grilling season! I am looking forward to learning some grilling skills. Hot dogs I can handle they are pretty hard to mess up. Hamburgers and steaks now that is a different story. Either they are burnt or the middle is raw! I have tried multiple times to attempt making something sort of edible and well it has never worked out to say the least. Not to mention how many times I have burnt my arm hair and maybe part of my eyebrows off ...once or twice. So I am making it a summer goal to be able to become a grill master! I can't even imagine how much food I have had to toss in the garbage. I don't even want to think about what the price tag would be on that! Thanks to all the Facebook videos that show you how to make things on the grill I feel like I totally got this! What do you like to grill? Fish? Hamburgers, hot dogs, and steaks? Any other ideas on what to put on the grill would be much appreciated! Have a safe and happy Memorial Day weekend!
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