Human Remains Found Could Be Rory Wanner of Billings
This investigation and situation is just incredibly sad. I've been reading about this since the first day and I've had to stop reading Facebook comments on some of the stories on this because people are so mean. This young man had a life, he has a family and everyone just wants to know what has happened to him so that they can get some closure. Can we all just please respect the family and be a community that keeps these people in our thoughts and prayers?
KBUL Newsroom - A body found in a shallow grave on private land in central Montana may be that of, 33-year-old Rory Wanner of Billings who has been missing since late June and is assumed to be the victim of a homicide. The Dispatch reports that a landowner found the shallow grave on Sunday near Roundup. Wanner was last seen on June 28. His vehicle was found abandoned in a residential area of Billings a short time later. Police have a suspect in mind.
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