I Saved a Ton of Money on Groceries in Billings by Switching to These
We all know by now that groceries are expensive.
Just the other week my spouse purchased 7 items at the grocery store, and spent $120. Ouch! The money goes quick when prices are so high. But I found a brilliant solution that some of you are well aware of.
I’m Lazy...
It’s true. I’ll clean my house spic and span, but when it comes to sitting on my phone to pay bills, banking, even online shopping- I lose patience. I just hate sitting on my phone for hours at a time. I know, so un-millennial of me.
Since the start of the new year, I wanted to get more comfortable with grocery shopping and save money. I wanted the most bang for my buck when it comes to getting food that our farmers and ranchers work so hard to provide for us here in Montana. Below isn't an ad, it's a screenshot of the grocery store app.
I started couponing 😅
Okay, some of you reading this may be thinking “You just started couponing?? I’ve been doing that for years...” I know, the fact I’m just now realizing how helpful coupons are at the grocery store is less than exciting. And digital couponing is easy to use and fabulous for my wallet.
We saved nearly $70 by getting on Albertson’s app and downloading all the coupons for the items we desperately needed. That’s a lot of money during high inflation. I had to sit there and take the time on my phone (which I can’t stand doing) to get them all together. And let me tell ya- it was so worth it. My co-host Michael shared with me that he saved $40 on steaks by downloading the grocery store's app and got those good deals in the bag. Look at the deals below posted just this morning.
This one is for the young people
Some college kids, even 30 something-year-olds don’t think to get on the grocery store apps and download all the coupons. But you Gen Xers and Baby Boomers already knew about this wonderful tool, didn’t you? 😉
The moral of this story is to get young people into couponing. Download your grocery store app, we use Albertson’s. And get to digitally cutting those coupons; you will be so happy with the money you save.
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