I Was Drugged at a Bar in Billings
Not the way I wanted to end 2022, but I guess it’s more of a reason to celebrate a new year with new habits AKA dry January.
It was the end of December and I met a friend for a drink at a bar on the west side of Billings. I will not name this person or the bar out of privacy, but we both ordered a single drink from the bartender and an appetizer. We were laughing and catching up, genuinely having a good time.
It wasn’t until I was home about midnight at home when I realized I had “blacked out” the previous 6 hours.
I went to bed and when I woke up, I felt like a truck hit me. My entire body hurt, and I was confused as to how I got home, or anything that happened the previous night. It was a very scary feeling and not like a typical hangover.
We do not drink and drive.
My spouse told me he picked me and my friend up from this bar because we weren’t drinking and driving. We are responsible adults. He said we were loud and goofy. Then angry and sad in the next moment. He said it was completely out of character. And it's not like I'm proud of this but, I can handle my booze. I know it’s not normal for me to black out from ONE DRINK, unless it was spiked.
My friend and I were in contact the next morning and right as I was about to say it, she did. “I think we got drugged at the bar.” WOAH. We both don’t remember anything after the first drink. Yes, apparently, we ordered another round of drinks. We don’t remember this. A spiked drink makes a person go in and out of consciousness.
We still don’t know how this happened. However, we did leave our drinks at the bar unattended with napkins over them when we went to the restroom. That must have been the moment someone spiked the drinks. It had to be...?
But who is there to blame?
I don’t know who did it, so it’s not like I can blame the bar or tell the owners about this. We have an inkling about who it was, but again there's no proof. I feel it was...my fault. Shame has been swirling in my brain ever since this happened. 😔
But for real- who the heck seeks out drugs to spike peoples' drinks? Predators- that's who.
Sorry for the lengthy article, but I guess I’m sharing my experience with you because it’s a very scary thing to happen to anyone, let alone women.
I’ve taken a break from all socializing and drinking in Billings because I think I’m traumatized a little bit. I don’t trust people... There’s nail polish that detects drugs in drinks, but scientists are still figuring out the product.
The more we know:
Stay safe, stay aware. I don't want this to happen to anyone, ever.
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