Note: This article contains very sensitive content.


Every time I see these news stories, I feel the need to throw up.

Soon after, I tear up.

A Superior MT man, 65, was convicted last Thursday, April 11th of one count of incest and another count of sexual assault on two girls under 18.  Bradley Thomas Evans committed these sickening crimes of inappropriate touching when his young granddaughters were staying with him on weekends from 2017 through 2019.  Worse, according to the AG press release and the investigation, there are reports that this criminal has been doing this for over 20 years!!  Sentencing will be in June, hopefully for the max.

A Subdued Message from a Father Figure

Under no circumstances should you feel like you have to tolerate inappropriate contact from anyone. Anyone!  Not even once!  I don't care if he's Grandpa. I don't care if it's Dad. I don't care if he's a teacher, a doctor or nurse, a supervisor, a store clerk, a date, or a coworker.  No one, NO ONE should touch you where you are not comfortable. You do not owe anyone access to your body and you should never feel pressured to do so.

Had to think about it.  Where on the body is it inappropriate?  A good rule of thumb (works for boys too) is any part of the body normally covered by your underwear is off-limits.  Girls, the parts touched by the cloth on a bikini are off-limits.

Quite frankly, if the physical contact of someone feels creepy, it is creepy!   Your Intuition, that Spider-Gwen Sense, will tell you when you are in danger.  Trust it, listen to it.

If that man touches you in an inappropriate spot on the body, GET OUT NOW!!  Leave him, leave the place, if you have to, leave any personal belongings, and just LEAVE! Find a safe place. If you do not have a safe place, there are resources available.

If you have the strength, please report the incident right away. Your voice could save others. I know it can be scary, but people care about you, even people that you don’t know. The police and response personnel will care for you, and services in the community or nearby that will listen to you and help you cope and survive and live on afterward.

I apologize for being so blunt, but my heart breaks every time I hear of it or think of it.  Yeah I know, I'm not your father.  But I'll bet your honorable Dad and Mom would agree with me.

I'm rooting for you, Miss.


Source: Montana Department of Justice


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