Moving is a real pain in the butt. Always has been and always will be. Especially when the weather is not in your favor.  It is the absolute worst. I am currently in the middle of a move from west end of town to the heights. I know it isn't far but dang it feels like a massive adventure.

Did you know that May through September is the peak of the moving season? Half of all moves happen during these five months. Two-thirds of all moves keep it local or at least within the same state lines. Many of those local moves occur because people are looking for a better apartment, neighborhood, or school district, upsizing or downsizing space.

Living here my whole life one would think I would know my way around the town better or at least know street names. Nope. Sure, don't when it comes to the heights. I swear I had to google map myself to my new house every trip I took. Moving in general is just a massive pain in the rearend. Top reasons why it sucks so bad as are follows.

1.Packing up all of your possessions into bins and boxes.

2. That horrible moment you run out of bins/boxes. 

3. When you realize you have boxes you didn't open from the last time you moved and they just one big box of mystery items.

4. Labeling the boxes so you know what is and where it goes.

5. Actually, doing the work and moving everything.

7. Moving in and unpacking. The chore itself is one big anxiety attack.

8. Settling in and then finding where you put everything. 

In the end moving in town or out of town is always an experience and a half. Word to wise if you can hire a company do it. Or recruit friends and family. Bribe them if you have to.

LOOK: Here's where people in every state are moving to most

Stacker analyzed the Census Bureau's 2019 American Community Survey data to determine the three most popular destinations for people moving out of each state.

Gallery Credit: Amanda Silvestri


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