Cat-Griz Baby! We have a big Cat-Griz matchup taking place in Boise, Idaho Wednesday night- and the winner earns a spot in the NCAA know what.
Can you recall the greatest, largest, or most fantastically amazing store or business you have ever been in? For me, it happened twice while I was in Boise for Jake's wedding.
Moms are taking on more than ever now, with many of them navigating working full-time from home and taking care of the kids and helping them with online learning.
Spring break may not be on the mind for you yet, but for someone who plans, it definitely is. Booking a couple months ahead of time to avoid higher flight prices is always smart.
Don't click on weird links- even if you think you know the sender! At least, that's what's sent to my email pretty much weekly from corporate to avoid someone getting hacked within our company.
Okay I'm not mad about likes going away in theory, but will I be able to search someone's pic to see if potential bae liked it or not?! That's all I'm worried about. Insta is really limiting my stalking skills after already taking away the 'following' tab.
Chenyue Xing, a former Juul scientist who helped patent its liquid-nicotine formula, says she doesn't know why the San Francisco-based company didn't adopt a dosage-control feature that would limit the amount of puffs someone could take in a given amount of time.