Earlier today, we reported the rumor that not only has Captain Marvel been cast, but she’ll be making her first appearance in the already superhero-heavy Avengers: Age of Ultron. Having major superheroes make cameos or debut in other films from their respective studios has become the norm, so it’s hardly surprising to hear that X-Men: Apocalypse — which is said to primarily focus on the First Class cast — will feature a few cameos from other X-Men…including one pretty exciting mutant in particular.
Even lauded talents star in terrible films, but sometimes—as is the case with these ten thespians—they happen to star in the worst of the bunch during the exact same calendar year that they turned in those Oscar-worthy works. Oops.
We've seen a few scant glances of CBS' forthcoming Halle Berry-led astronaut drama, 'Extant,' but at long last, a full trailer for the Steven Spielberg-produced summer series has arrived. Find out what Halle brought back with her from space!
The inaugural teaser trailer for Steven Spielberg's forthcoming Halle Berry CBS sci-fi drama 'Extant' seemed to raise more questions than answers on the nature of its story, but we at least know Berry will be in good company for the summer series. 'ER' doctor and former 'Red Widow' star Goran Visnjic has officially joined the role as Berry's character's husband, but are we any closer to knowing wh
Halle Berry's buzzworthy CBS/Steven Spielberg thriller 'Extant' has barely shot a single frame, so little that a recent TCA presentation cobbled together footage from other movies as a teaser, but now we have something real to chew on. The first official teaser for CBS summer sci-fi drama 'Extant' has hit, and it's...well, it's still pretty confusing.
We didn't bother keeping up with CBS' Stephen King drama, 'Under the Dome,' in its initial 2013 run, given how far-fetched the sci-fi story quickly became, but will the people of Chester's Mill have a brighter day in season 2? CBS has officially set a premiere for Dean Norris and co. to return, along with a date for Stephen Spielberg-Halle Berry drama 'Extant.'