
Some Age Limits in Montana Laws Are Crazy And Should Change (OPINION)
Some Age Limits in Montana Laws Are Crazy And Should Change (OPINION)
Some Age Limits in Montana Laws Are Crazy And Should Change (OPINION)
This morning we got into a discussion about ages in Montana and what laws apply to age. I asked the question if anyone thinks that if Teddy Roosevelt were alive if he would agree with kids who are 12 in Montana must have a fishing license. The man who founded the National Park system who was a huge hunter and fisherman would say absolutely not...
Celebrating Six Years Of Marriage Bliss
Celebrating Six Years Of Marriage Bliss
Celebrating Six Years Of Marriage Bliss
Okay, y'all. Time to get mushy. This Sunday, July 24th, I will have been married to my husband, Spenser, for six years. I don't know about you, but time flies. I can think back to all of things that we have done in the last six years and wonder how we crammed that all into that short amount of time...
So . . . at your family reunion did you happen to notice your first cousin has gotten kinda hot?  And you know, considering you are both still single . . . maybe it's time to GET 'ER DONE?  Well, it's actually not as illegal than you think.  Here's a quick run down on cousin marriage laws in America, and if you can legally hook-up with them in Montana State.
"Pop The Question" Winner
"Pop The Question" Winner
"Pop The Question" Winner
Sean Wectawski won the d*Meyers Custom Jeweler "Pop The Question" contest with his creative idea to propose and won a $2800 Bridal Set from d*Meyer Custom Jeweler. He also won the heart of his new fiance Rebekah. Congratulations Sean & Rebekah...
Pop The Question Winner
Pop The Question Winner
Pop The Question Winner
Congratulations to our winner who's name will be a secret until he actually pops the question. He came up with an uber-creative way to ask his girlfriend to marry him and we'll tape the whole thing soon after which we'll post the video and reveal the winner of the $2800 Bridal Set from dMeyer Custom Jeweler...

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