We started the morning at the Montana Governor's breakfast with all of the great Montana gun and outdoor gear businesses here for the SHOT Show- which is basically the world's biggest gun and outdoor gear show.
Visit with guides and outfitters from around the world, enjoy lectures and hands-on presentations from top outdoor experts. Fishing, hunting, camping, boating, and more with fun for the entire family. The Great Rockies Sportshow is January 17 - 19th at MetraPark and we have your chance to win 4-packs of tickets.
Local women or newbie ladies, there's a ton of wonderful groups you can join to share your love of the outdoors. Montana has so much to offer everyone, but sometimes you just want to hang with the girls. No problem. Your passion is shared by thousands, so let's explore some of the best groups for women.
He fired his last shot at the Olympics in Paris on Sunday. On Monday he was on his way back home to Montana. And Wednesday morning we were honored to have Silver and Bronze Olympic medalist Brady Ellison drop by our radio studios.