This Gas Station’s Well-Known Mascot Was Be-Headed
The Sinclair gas station off Broadwater had some vandalism happen last week. I was on my way to the station at the Double Tree and noticed the Dino’s head was taken right off. I thought maybe someone hit the thing with a car, but that’s not the case.
Sinclair is known for the “Dino” mascot.
“Dino” has been the advertising character for Sinclair since the mid-1930s. People take photos with the Brontosaurus all over the U.S. and he’s even made it in my friends’ photos. It’s like a rite-of-passage to go on a road trip and get selfies with Dino. It’s difficult to miss the giant green thing at gas stations, but someone was brazened enough to be-head it.
But the big question is WHO done it? And Why?
My theory is that someone wanted the Dino head for Halloween décor. Maybe even a costume. But why vandalize someone’s property? How selfish. It’s annoying and now Dino is an eye sore until he gets fixed.
But will Dino the Brontosaurus get a bandage and a new head??
I talked with Crystal at Sinclair gas station. She said the Dino head was found in a yard, returned, then taken by two guys in a new Ford truck as seen on their video surveillance cameras AGAIN! The gas station earned their mascot since it's a privately owned company.
I saw Facebook blow up about this in the “Billings Classified Group.” Some people are calling for a fundraiser to replace the head, while others say it’s not their problem to fix it. I personally would love to see a new head on Dino and maybe one of those funny giant band-aids.
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