$1 Strawberry Dollaita At Applebees
This is such a great deal for only one whole buck! Applebee's does this every few months with a different drink special, but still the same great price of one dollar! With it being summer this seems like the perfect drink to sit on the patio with and enjoy the sunshine with your pals. After along day at work or a relaxing afternoon on the weekend this is a must. Doesn't get any better than the combo of a fun time out, and taking it easy on your wallet!
If you think of this way it would cost so much more to try and make it at home, and chances are they wouldn't be as good. I dig when you can save some cash! From black Friday shopping, to clipping coupons, to specials like this it is always a win! This special only lasts for the month of August, so get out and enjoy them while you can!