A Billings Murderer Was on a Netflix Show to Tell Her Story
Warning! Some of this may be disturbing to readers. Please read with caution.
True Crime Obsession
I am addicted. Truly. It's interesting to me to hear stories about how gruesome some humans can be to one another. Every single day I listen to podcasts about murders, read books about it, news articles, and now I can say I live in a town where a gruesome and very bizarre murderer happened. We all can, if you live in Billings.
Bizarre Crime Committed by a Woman in Billings
You may recall this story that broke nearly a decade ago. Lindsay Haugen is currently residing at the women's prison here in Billings for murdering her boyfriend Robby Mast in 2015. Her story is intriguing, brutal, and we rarely hear of women strangling their partners.
Lindsay Haugen's Story
Lindsay grew up in Portland, OR and became rebellious at age 15. She started hanging with a rough crowd, and started ingesting methamphetamine with a needle. Her addiction progressed to using heroine, but then she got pregnant. She had a better relationship with her family after she kicked her drug habit and she enlisted into the National Guard.
Lindsay says loved being in the national guard; she enjoyed being able to do more pushups than the guys in her basic training group. However, Haugen went through a very rough relationship with a man who abused her all sorts of horrible ways.
Her boyfriend at the time ended up choking her out to the point of being unconscious. She became addicted to alcohol during this time to help cope with the trauma she endured. Haugen left her abuser and ended up meeting Robby not long after.
In 2015 Lindsay met Robby at a party. Robby lived a nomadic lifestyle and couldn't stay in one place for very long. So Lindsay and Robby hit the road to Montana.
Haugen and Mast knew each other for a total of 26 days. Haugen recalls the two driving in a car through Montana and Robby disclosed his feelings of suicide, depression, and how he couldn't be happy, ever.
Where the Murder Happened in Billings
Haugen goes on to tell the tale of what happened leading up to Robby's death. In the Walmart parking lot of Billings, (they do not specify which Walmart it is) Haugen said she offered Robby help to commit suicide.
Lindsay's recollection of the story is that Robby wanted to be "put to sleep." And that he was beaming with happiness when she agreed to "help him"...die. She squeezed his neck with her arm as hard as she could for a long time, and then Robby went limp allegedly. When police knock on her car door, the story gets crazier from there.
A friend of Robby's disclosed to Billings investigators that Haugen was in love with Robby and felt she killed him out of jealousy...
Netflix Show "I Am a Killer" Season 2 Episode: In her Hands
The camera pans the streets of Billings, and pauses for a long time on the Double Tree Hotel north east corner, where our Mix 97.1 studio lives. This was an out of body experience for me to see my place of work on this Netflix Show.
Lindsay can be heard saying, "I love going to church, I love studying the bible, and I love to sing."
Let me know what you think about her story. And Robby's family's story.
Do you believe her? She didn't shed a tear in this episode, but her voice sounds like she's crying. Robby's mother is quite loving and forgiving about this entire tragedy that happened.
Email me: Mornings@Billingsmix.com