Kat Hammond
Mom Prom 2019: It’s Not Just For Moms
Don’t let the name fool you, this event is for women who don’t have children, too.
The New Season of Handmaid’s Tale is Here!
In Season 3, we did not see the same Commander! The first three episodes dropped all on the night of the season premiere (thank you HULU) and we saw a completely different character by episode 2.
Let’s Talk About Yellowstone
I couldn’t believe that this was a story set in MONTANA! Montana?! I thought that we kept everything quiet about this place so that no new people moved in and knew what we all get to enjoy?
Kat’s Review: Detective Pikachu
The story differs from any story that avid Pokémon fans are familiar with – in fact, I would go as far to say that the writing was trying to appeal to people who were not fans of the Pokémon world, but wanted to see a fun family film.
Mistake: I Just Binged ‘The Act’ on Hulu
I had watched the interviews with Gypsy long before The Act aired so I felt like I had a pretty good grip on this girl’s horrific story – I was wrong.
Who *Really* Won the Game of Thrones?
I have to admit, last week I was very much on the bandwagon of everyone who was mad about how rushed this last and final season for Game of Thrones has felt. Now, I feel a bit differently.
Somebody Synced Metallica to GOT and It’s Awesome
There is one fan that decided it was time to bring something fun and entertaining to the final season.
Game of Thrones Has Gone Up in Flames
Okay, I'm pissed about last night's episode, just like everybody else.
Forbes Should Stick to What They Know – Leave GOT Alone
I was surprised by Forbes’ review because they don’t often review movies or TV series unless it’s to report facts or financial updates. Their review of Episode 4, “The Last of the Starks” was just downright pitiful!
GOT: The Prophecy for Cersei We Forgot About
I keep seeing articles and comments on social media right now trying to predict what is going to happen in this next episode of Game of Thrones that will air at 7 pm MST on Sunday night.