Stella is a Sweetheart. Meet Billings’ Featured Adoptable Dog
Stella is ready to be adopted at Yellowstone Valley Animal Shelter in Billings.
Spring is a great time to adopt a new dog in Billings. It seems far easier to acclimate a pet to its new surroundings when it's not -10 with blasting cold wind and five inches of crusty snow on the ground.
Meet our featured Wet Nose Wednesday Pet of the Week, Stella.
Stella is a one-year-old Heeler mix. She was surrendered to the shelter because she does not like cats. At all. Whoever adopts Stella should probably be a cat-free household.
Other than her dislike of felines, Stella is a sweet, intelligent young dog. She was calm and well-behaved during her on-air visit and charmed her way around our office, making friends with everyone on the 23rd floor. Her blue tick markings are pretty. She seemed a tiny bit shy at first but quickly warmed to a strange environment.
Heelers are active dogs.
We imagine Stella would love to share every moment of her day beside you, doing stuff. Heelers are working dogs and can have boundless energy. They'd make great running or jogging partners and Stella would probably love hiking Montana trails with her human.
Check out her bio and browse all pets currently available at Yellowstone Valley Animal Shelter HERE. Thank You, Shipton's Big R for supporting animal adoption in the Billings area.
Want to help save animals at Yellowstone Valley Animal Shelter?
Derek Wulf, Humane Outreach Coordinator at YVAS confirmed the shelter is currently hiring for a variety of positions, including full and part-time.
It's probably a rewarding job, getting to help make a difference with homeless pets.
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