Staying in town for Labor Day Weekend? Start your holiday weekend off with Burn the Point!

The events start on Friday, September 2nd at 6:30pm in downtown Billings with a parade. The first of over 500 cars will roll down N 27th St to then go down 3rd Ave N. They will then roll back across N 27th St and start to get assembled for the car show that starts on Saturday morning. Once the parade of cars is finished there will be live dancing and music in the streets!

The car show starts on Saturday, September 3rd at 10am and cars will be on display in the the fields of Rocky Mountain College, on the south side off of Poly Drive. Charge is $3 or $2 if you also bring a Pepsi can. The only restrictions are no dogs. Please leave your fur babies at home!


Off Rimrock RD, 13th Street W, 17th ST W, and 1st Presbyterian Church (SW corner of 13th & Poly) Shuttle services from the upper parking lots and Handicap Parking (use West Poly Dr. entrance).

Find all the details on entering you car HERE.

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