Find The Hero In You
Be a hero this year and commit to donating three times to insure a safe supply of blood. UBS is currently in need of every blood type to help those right here in Billings. They face a shortage during cold and flu season BIG time. We should all step up and help because you never know when you or someone you love will need it. As they say YOU are UBS.
Don't put it off save lives today! Plus if you donate this month you will be in the running to win a wine basket! (Must be 21 obviously) Give them a call today and make your life saving appointment! (800)365-4450. Imagine how much we could help out if all took the time to make the call, and show up and donate. It does not hurt and it also does not take a bunch of time. In fact you could make it happen over your lunch hour. Make that call today!
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