Montanans- This is a MUST-DO Craft for the Holidays
My co-host Michael and I were talking about trying crafts during holiday break.
The kids will really like this one. I don't have children, so I did it for myself.
I love trying new things and seeing if it works out like I hope. Plus, Montana is about to get colder this week. This will be the week do to this experiment.
For this craft, you'll need a few items.
Balloons, food coloring, a sink for water balloons, glitter (only if you want. We know it's like the herpes of the craft world and glitter stays...forever.)
Do not wear clothes you care about because food coloring will ruin anything you wear. I learned this lesson the hard way...
Step 1: Put food coloring in balloons
This part gets messy, but hey- it's easy to clean up too. You want to play with the colors. We did some blue, some red, some green, some yellow. Then we mixed colors to get purple, orange, and yellow-green.
Step 2: Fill water balloons
Food coloring will get everywhere...just fyi. Fill the water balloons to the size you like. We did different sizes, some small some large. Then tie off your balloons.
Step 3: Put the water balloons outside in the Montana snow.
You want to be able to enjoy the balloons once frozen. Put them close to the house, or in the front yard away from animals. Let the balloons freeze over into ice balls. This may take a full day of sitting out in the snow. Mine took about 24 hours to freeze.
Step 4: Peel off the balloon rubber.
It's insanely easy for the rubber to come off and then bam! You have colored ice balls that looks kinda fancy. Also, remind your kiddos to not throw these... because these definitely could take an eye out, or cause severe injury. No touchy, just looky.
Step 5: Enjoy your pretty ice balls, and share this craft with friends in Montana!
This craft was so much fun and pleasing to look at. These ice balls will last a few weeks due to cold weather in Montana. Yay!
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