Montana’s Favorite Disney Princess and Prince May Surprise You
Disney princesses have been captivating children and adults since Snow White debuted in 1937. Cinderella came next. There are a total of twelve officially recognized princesses in the Magic Kingdom empire. Can you name them all?
I'll help. Snow White, Cinderella, Aurora, Ariel, Belle, Jasmine, Pocahontas, Mulan, Tiana, Rapunzel, Merida and Moana. Wow! It's almost like Disney has built a brilliant marketing empire.
My kids aren't Disney fanatics, but they do have their favorites.
Some families are really into Disney. We are not really one of those families. Of course, we've watched all the movies and my girls have both gone through various "I'm a princess!" phases. My spouse has mentioned more than once that we should really try to take the girls to Disneyland before they're too old.
The internet says these are Montana's favorite princess and prince.
The crew at the Shane Co. jewelry company analyzed Google search trends to determine the most popular Disney princess and prince in each state. After crunching the data, they revealed Mulan is the favorite princess and Alladin takes top honors for Montana's favorite prince.
A common theme amongst princesses?
Shane Co. wrote,
Mulan, a princess from Disney that might be better described as a warrior, was a favorite in Arkansas, Montana, and North Dakota. Raya shined in Colorado, Idaho, Nebraska, and Washington.
I quizzed my 10-year-old and 6-year-old daughters about their favorite princesses and princes, before sharing with them the findings of the Shane Co. report. They think that perhaps Mulan is a favorite for Montanans because she's brave, like us. Bravery seemed to be a trait they admired with their respective favorites (neither chose Mulan). Take a listen below.