So this is pretty wild. ICYMI, someone is apparently sending unmarked, unsolicited CDs to addresses in Montana. I bookmarked a post I read on one of the Laurel Community Facebook pages on Friday, where a resident was mystified about the strange delivery. The person wrote,

Has anyone else received an anonymous cd in the mail? No return address, nothing inside saying who it is from. No label on the cd. Post marked fr Casper WY

"Okay," I thought. "That's a little weird." Perhaps it's a musician, looking to get their music out to the public (in an extremely inefficient manner)? Maybe it's some sort of elaborate marketing gimmick. "Play the CD and win a new car!" It definitely seems like a great way to get a virus. Or - here's where my overactive imagination kicks in -  it's like a plot to a horror movie, where the recipient plays the CD or loads it into their computer, and evil crap starts to happen.


Actually, that's not far from the truth.

KTVQ reported over the weekend that these unmarked CDs are also showing up in Miles City, where next-door neighbors both received the mailer. Upon investigation, it was revealed that the unmarked, unsolicited compact discs contain various audio files and documents promoting racist, white power neo-nazi crap. What. The. Hell.

Used with permission. Photographer requests name withheld
Used with permission. Photographer requests name withheld

Other than the postmark, there's no real proof that the mailers are being sent from a Wyoming resident. An attorney would point out that it could be someone using a shipping service or a drop box or maybe even some dirt-bag skinhead traveling through the state who dropped them all in an outgoing mailbox. Who knows. I'd never point a blanket finger at all of Wyoming because I know most of the residents of the Cowboy State are not racist losers.


Sadly, Montana seems to have the most hate groups in the nation (per capita), so I almost feel bad calling out the racist POS in Wyoming who is mailing this filth. Actually, scratch that... I don't feel bad at all. These "chosen race" jokers seem to be emboldened in the last few years. They showed up (identities fully masked, of course) at the Bozeman Pride Parade earlier this spring. Every so often they leave flyers on cars in cities big and small around Montana. Apparently, sending unmarked CDs is their latest feeble-minded recruitment tool. Yuck.

Wyoming State Archive Photo Collection

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