Princess Days At Zoo Montana
Grab your crown and dress it is time again for Princess Days at Zoo Montana! This is the 2nd Annual Princess Days kicking off tomorrow! It was such a hit the first year they decided to make it two days this year. Here are the details:
Friday and Saturday from 10:00am-2:00pm
Regular Zoo Admission + $5.00 Princess Pass per child
Free for Zoo members + $5.00 Princess pass per child
This includes all Zoo exhibits, activities, bouncy house, and pictures and a meet and greet (fun right!?) with "Ever After" events and characters!
You can purchase you Princess pass/tickets at the gate or on line at http://www.zoomontana.org/
The weather will be perfect for both days! I plan on taking my niece on Saturday and I believe Kris may bring his daughter along too! No word on if he will dress as his favorite princess.... if so don't worry I will so take pictures! Makes me giggle just picturing him as a princess! Hope to see you out the Zoo! Big thank you to Jeff The Nature Guy for putting on such wonderful family events!
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