RKM Thank You For Making My Day
When I went to get plates for my "new to me car" there was no doubt in my mind what I would get. Kris and I both love what The Ramsey Keller Memorial does for so many families across the state. Kori and Jeff are some of the greatest people I have ever had the pleasure of knowing hands down. Lucky to call them friends.
Today I ran to my car to grab a few thing things and this was in my window. Yep I got the plates, and so proud to rock them. It really makes my heart happy to know that something so small as just getting the plates will make a difference. Ramsey Keller has a few events coming up here that will help out these families in need. I can not even imagine what these families go through with the loss of a child. If you would like to help out check out their Facebook https://www.facebook.com/pg/The-Ramsey-Keller-Memorial-207123792718925/events/?ref=page_internal