Justin Bieber hosted 'Saturday Night Live' last night (Feb. 9), in addition to serving as the musical guest. He said it best in the last sentence of his monologue: "We got a great show tonight -- I'm here." Amen to that. The best skit of the night was 'The Miley Cyrus Show' where he pretty much played a Belieber, only Cyrus was the object of his fandom. He also addressed the pot smoking incident, in which he sorta acknowledged that he did what we think he did.

During his opening monologue, he paid homage to Valentine's Day and Black History Month with the support of cast member Kenan Thompson. He didn't need his Black History Month flash cards (!!!) but he did celebrate the fact that Denzel Washington created the peanut and sang 'One Less Lonely Girl' to Whoopi Goldberg. It was the hybrid of all celebrations.

Some of his key skits?

'The Californians': In this brilliant skit, the characters speak using mostly directions, locations and highways in Southern California, dropping references to the 10, the 101, the 110, the 405, the 5 and more. The Biebs did an excellent job playing a Valley Boy who was also a runaway.

The Justin Biebers: In this skit, the singer played himself, while Jason Sudeikis served as the head of his security detail. For his protection, they enlisted The Justin Biebers, a bunch of people who look like the singer and are meant to serve as decoys. However, none of them looked like him. Half of them were black and women, and according to the Biebs, they were not fooling anyone. They engaged in sing offs and dance offs with the Biebs himself. Kudos to Bobby Moynihan for showing his skillz!

Then came his first performance, which was an acoustic version of 'As Long as You Love Me,' intro'ed by Whoopi. It was warm and intimate on a snow-covered night.

'Grease' Parody: He played a Danny Zucco-type in a 'Grease' parody where he was anything but a ladies' man. He was actually a leather jacket-wearing 11-year-old.

'The Miley Cyrus Show': On her talk show, Miley's band, featuring her father Billy Ray, all had the same punky haircut. The Biebs plays Pete, the president of her fan club and her only guest of the night. He said she is "light years better than douche Justin Bieber, who looks like a f---ing lesbian and still has his baby teeth and he got busted for smoking weed and people make mistakes and he's really sorry and is never going to do it again!" Zing. There you had it. He essentially played a Belieber, only he was a Miley maniac.

'Glice': He played a shy, med school-bound boyfriend who goes home to meet his GF's parents and deals with the d-bag older brother. When he stumbles over his words, he ends up saying, "It's glice to meet you" when he meant to say "glad" and "nice" and got tongue tied. The brother won't let it go and screams glice every chance he can. The Biebs couldn't make it through the skit without cackling.

For his second song, the Biebs sang the ballad 'Nothing Like Us' with a handheld mic. He chose to go the slow route for both of his musical numbers, showing his depth and maturation. We hope Selena Gomez was watching. It was dramatic and heartfelt, as the Biebs was accompanied only by a piano. And he pulled a few Michael Jackson dance moves.

Overall, Biebs did a hilarious job hosting the show and wasn't afraid to sing, dance and poke fun at himself.

Watch Justin Bieber in 'Protective Brother' on 'Saturday Night Live'

Watch 'Valentine's Day Message From Justin Bieber' on 'Saturday Night Live'

Watch Justin Bieber in '50s Romance' on 'Saturday Night Live'

Watch Justin Bieber in 'The Miley Cyrus Show' on 'Saturday Night Live'

Watch Justin Bieber Perform 'As Long as You Love Me' on 'Saturday Night Live'

Watch Justin Bieber Perform 'Nothing Like Us' on 'Saturday Night Live'

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