Stop And Smell The Flowers
It is once again that time of the year to start planting your garden and cleaning up the yard. Yesterday I was running around town paying bills and doing adult things. Gross I know. But my day was made when I stopped by Shopko and saw that they were setting up their Garden Center! I don't think I have ever been so excited to see bags of dirt! Immediately I could feel my thumbs turning green!
I am not the best at keeping flowers alive. I give myself an A of effort. In the past I have planet in many different ways. In the ground in hanging pots and in cute little pots I put on my deck. Oh gosh did I learn my lesson with putting pots on my deck. The year I was actually keeping them alive some rude dude stole my pot with baby veggies that were doing very well. I was devastated to say the least. So lesson learned. Who does that? I mean seriously they were in Dollar Store planters and I am pretty sure I got they plants at Albertsons. So I was out maybe $10.00.
Anyway as I ran around town I couldn't help but plan all of the awesome Garden Centers I need to stop by to get my yard in Spring shape! There are so many great ones around town. Jim's Jungle, Lowes, Wal-mart just to name a few that I know. So that raises the question... where are the best Garden Centers in Billings? I want to find flowers that are hard to kill and don't look like they came from the dead and dyeing sale to start with. Any Ideas?
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