Student Leaves Heartwarming Note for Montana Teacher
I know we're getting to the end of the school year. Everyone's tired. Everyone's ready to be done. It's been a long year- especially this year. We're all getting a little inpatient and grouchy.
Check out this great note that was left behind for one Montana teacher this week.
Katie Backer is a World and US History teacher at the Career Center in Billings, Montana.
She said she found this note on her desk from one of her "darling" students on Wednesday.
Thank you for remaining kind + compassionate despite the amount of disrespect you receive.
Mrs. Backer shared the photo and let us know that summer is now only 9 or 10 class days away, and many of the kids are "verrrrrrry checked out." Here's more of what she had to share about kids, and teaching, and the pandemic:
I didn't think they were particularly bad yesterday, but I could tell one student was frustrated with chatty peers, whining student's ("we should just chill today."/"Let's have a movie day."/"I'm SO TIRED!!!!!"), and cell phones galore. I appreciate this sweet note and the student's awareness.
Teaching can be incredibly challenging. It's not all sunshine and roses. They're teenagers, and have their moments. (Phones are THE WORST part of modern teaching for sure--IMO.)
And yet, after teaching HUNDREDS of teens over the years (and being a parent to one), this has by far been my smoothest year/easiest group. I haven't had to write anyone up, been cussed out or harrassed, broken up fights, or found any students with drugs or hooking up in a bathroom or corner, as happened earlier in my career.Honestly, I think this group (above all others that I've taught) is just grateful to be in school and with their friends. The pandemic--and lockdown--gave them a new perspective. For the most part, my students are extremely engaged, nice, and positive. They make me want to show up everyday and I'm proud to be their teacher. No matter what, I'll always be an advocate for teens. I think they're awesome.Besides, I can't fault them. We're alllllll ready for summer!!! Just 2 more weeks!!! ("So, put those darn phones away and let's finish strong!")
What a great note- "Thank you for remaining kind + compassionate despite the amount of disrespect you receive." How many other teachers and moms out there deserve to hear this exact same message?
By the way, for those who don't know- Mrs. Katie Backer is also the daughter of another great teacher, Mr. Hunter Jones from Will James Middle School.
Hunter is the former VFW Teacher of the Year who has helped deliver care packages to our troops for nearly two decades now.
Thanks to Katie Backer for letting us share the above note, and her response.
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