It's about getting people together. It's about remembering a lost loved one who was known across the Hi Line of Montana. And it's about getting resources to the right folks to make sure something like this never happens again.
I feel like I'm writing this sentence to remind myself, but drinking to cope with winter depression simply doesn't work. If a weeklong trip to the beach is out of the question, try these ideas instead.
A study done by Operation Deep Dive took veteran suicide numbers from 8 states across the nation including Montana. The results are extremely shocking.
I found out about this study from which put Billings at the top of their list of U.S. cities with the largest percentage of depressed citizens. That's terrifying to me.
Taking a 'mental health' day has always been a thing for grown adults. Why shouldn't it be a legitimate thing for Montana kids? Being a kid these days can be a minefield of pressure, anxiety, violence and bullying.
There are a myriad of resources in the city of Billings for people with mental illnesses of all kinds, and it can be quite overwhelming if you're looking for a place to start.