Garage sales are a bit like buffets: people come, take what they want and move on. That’s about it. If you’re willing to expend a little effort, you can maximize your bargain-finding potential and get yourself some screaming deals. Here’s a few tips ho...
Just because you’re throwing a garage sale to get rid of your junk, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t make your junk look as attractive as possible. Here are a few tips on how to best display your garage sale merchandise.
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Garage sales are one of those dreamy ideas that seem to a simple way to really get organized, clean out your closets plus make extra money, but the reality is they're often a lot of work!
It’s no secret that some items move better at garage sales than others. Your old bicycle may sell in a flash, but you may not be able to move that old painting your grandma did. With that in mind, here’s a short list of items that experts tend to agree sell best at garage sales.
Kids’ stuff – Ba
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It’s there whenever you go to the garage, the basement, or the attic. It’s there when you go to bed and when you wake up in the morning. It’s there when you leave for vacation and when you get back. It’s that mass of unused items that you keep telling yourself you need to get rid of but never seems to go anywhere. Suddenly, BRAINSTORM - you can have ...