The Mountains Are Calling We Must Go
One of the very best things about living in Montana is of course our mountains. It seems that no matter what direction you point your car you will wind up in the comfort of the most wonderful place to be in the world. The mountains.
Here in Montana, we have so many different mountain ranges from the Beartooth's to the Crazy's to The Rocky Mountains and then some. Did you know that heading to the mountains is not only a great escape, but it is also good for the mind not just the body.

There are so many various healthy activities to do while going to the mountains. Of course, the fan favorites include hiking, climbing stuff, fishing, canoeing, skiing, and camping, rock hunting (not in state parks) and of course spending time with your loved ones!
Going up to the mountains also has health benefits.
Even visiting the mountains for less than one week can spike weight loss. Altitude also can help lower risks of cardiovascular diseases. Being up in the mountains gives your chest the chance to breathe in the real deal of oxygen that is free of gasses or air pollution and all the yuck that is in the city. The fresh air helps respiratory problems and also makes it easier to breath for those with asthma. For those of us who have all the allergies being up in the mountains is better than allergy meds around! Being in the mountain air also builds up happiness. Lavender is known to help depression and is one heck of a good sleep aid.
If you are feeling blue, you need to climb. That is right climb! Put on those boots and get to going!
Climbing a mountain can help you to see the value in the things in your life. Your body says, "HEY we are HAPPY!" and then it starts producing endorphins by being so very close to lots of physical danger. By facing your fears, it can actually help you see the value of your everyday life and give you a new appreciation for the beauty of your surroundings.
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