In case you didn't know, today is "the day of the deployed." It's a day in honor of all of the troops who are currently deployed all over the world. Yes, despite the withdrawal from Afghanistan, we still have thousands of troops deployed all over the world who are serving in a variety of capacities.

Hundreds of Montanans are currently answering the call, deployed in service to their state and nation. Hundreds more are getting ready to deploy.

(Photo above is a Getty Images photo of Montana National Guard 163rd soldiers in Iraq several years ago)

According to the Montana National Guard, 130 Montana National Guard soldiers and airmen are currently deployed. 660 more will soon be deploying.

October 26th is the Day of the Deployed and we would like to take today to recognize the Montana National Guardsmen currently deployed or activating for deployment in the next 30 days. Thank you and your families for your service.

For those of you who are doing that math, that is nearly 800 soldiers and airmen. Not just 800 soldiers and airmen, but countless more brothers, sisters, sons, daughters, husbands, and wives who will be without their loved ones for the next several months and upwards of a year. Please keep every single one of them and your loved ones in your prayers. It can be so easy for the rest of us to just go about our normal day to day lives without realizing the day to day sacrifices all of these folks are making for us.

One other note I wanted to share for those of you who are deployed, or know a service member who is deployed. If you'd like, please send their name and deployed mailing address to Hunter Jones at Will James Middle School in Billings. He and his students have sent countless care packages to troops over the years, and he told me they are ready to assist.


LOOK: 100 years of American military history


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