Who Did It?
The Moss Mansion is once again having a night of mystery! There is no better place in town to have a murder mystery than the Moss Mansion. I missed out it the last time they did it and I was super bummed out about it. This time I am not missing out! I loved the game as a kid. I did kind of suck at it, but still loved to play it! Here are the details on Clue Game at the Moss coming up on September 21st from 7pm-9pm.
Introducing a new live-action Clue game at the Moss Mansion! The rooms of the Moss become the scene of the crime, and each guest/character will be looking high and low for clues. Investigate as you mingle and develop your strategy for discovering which weapons, rooms, and suspects were NOT involved to solve the case - even if YOU end up being the murderer. Watch out, though - you could be the next victim!
The game begins at 7 pm with a briefing on the rules, character assignments, and dispersal of investigation material. Points are earned (or lost) and while the results are tallied refreshments are available. Must be 18 to play. Reservations are $25 per person, costumes are welcome (though characters are not assigned ahead of time). Make reservations online at mossmansion.com!