Meet Chubbs! His real name is Hershey, but Hershey loves food and therefore he's earned an unflattering nickname.  He's a great dog.  This spring/summer he's really been trying to shed his winter fur.  We find Hershey hair "tumbleweeds" rolling around the floor.  It gets pretty bad.

A while back I had the chance to pick up this grooming device, made by a company right here in Billings called "SleekEZ". Their shop is in Lockwood.  Here's a closer pic of the grooming device:

Michael Foth ~ TSM
Michael Foth ~ TSM

It has what looks like a hacksaw blade, firmly attached to a well contoured wooden handle. When I first got it I was a little skeptical.  How could something with tiny little "brushes" work very well, I thought. It works AMAZING.  I'm not kidding.  10 - 15 minutes on Chubbs and I had a HUGE pile of winter coat hair in the yard.  The birds will thank me for the awesome nest material.

Anyway, this is not a paid endorsement, just a recommendation from one dog lover to another. Supposedly they work just as well on longer-haired dogs.  They were originally made for horses. I think they retail for under $20. Check out their website to find out more or to see where you can get one for yourself.

Next time,


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