Bed, Bath and Bye Bye for Billings’ West End Retailer?
Another day, another big retailer is in trouble.
At one time in the not-so-distant past, places like JCPenny, Blockbuster, and Kmart were considered virtually unstoppable. If you would have said, in let's say 1995, that any of those aforementioned businesses would be struggling or basically non-existent by 2023, people would have laughed in your face.
Now, another big name is this close to shutting down.
It's all but said and done for Bed Bath & Beyond, which filed Chapter 11 bankruptcy over the weekend. Twitter reports are indicating that some stores are already shutting down, with apparently little to no severance pay for most long-time employees.
Got a coupon? Use it now.
If you have a Bed Bath & Beyond coupon, you might want to use it ASAP. According to reports, they will stop accepting coupons after Wednesday, April 26th. Good Morning LA reporter Brooke Thomas shared that the retailer will still accept gift cards through May 8th.
All sales are final.
The company (which includes 360 BB&B locations, 120 Buybuy Baby stores, and Harmon FaceValue stores), employs around 14,000 non-seasonal workers, per CNBC. We stopped by the Billings store on Tuesday morning (4/25) to see how things are looking, and other than signage that states "all sales are final, no refunds" it appears to still be business as usual. We didn't spot any going-out-of-business clearance signage at this point.
I like Bed Bath & Beyond. My family doesn't really shop there much, but when I did I was always impressed by their selection of kitchen items. The brand-name toaster we got from our wedding registry at BB&B in 2010 finally conked out after a decade+ hard use. It's sad to see any business close and we hope the space on King Ave West doesn't sit empty for long.
LOOK: These Are the 50 biggest retailers in America
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