Billings Police Officers Gifted Brand New, Protective Gear
Protecting our Billings Police Officers
Last September, Shield616 presented rifle protective gear to10 officers of the Billings Police Department. This is all in efforts to ensure the safety of our officers and up-armoring the first responders.
And now they've fitted more Billings Officers with new protective gear.
Shield616 presented another round of vests to 30 officers.
Earlier today, January 17 at 2 p.m. Shield616 gifted the Billings PD officers the rifle protection vests at Scheels. These 30 officers were pre-selected and fitted to make sure the vests for the best protection quality. The officers must be able to move comfortably in the gear while protecting and serving our community.
Sgt Stovall of Billings PD commented on the new vests.
"These new vests give us as officers a few feelings, first it's a symbol of the support that our incredible community has for us in making this possible and secondly this is a dangerous profession, the danger is alive and real in Billings, this armor gives us better protection as we face that danger each day we go to work.
As a Sgt it gives me the security of knowing that my officers are better equipped to face that danger.
Thank you to Shield 616, Scheels, The Brosovich Family Foundation, and the Buchanan Family Foundation."
Who is Shield616
On their website it reads,
"The rifle rated vest can be worn all day internally or externally and provides the officer with the protection and gear needed to handle any situation. The armor package includes Angel Armor’s RISE 2.0 level III a body armor and level III rifle rated Truth SNAP plates."
This non-profit has raised over $15 million to help protect officers in the line of duty. This organization has provided gear for 6,348 to first responders and have done so in 31 states across America.