
Ladies Night Out
Ladies Night Out
Ladies Night Out
The PBR is almost here and we want to send to the show for free! You and your pals can enjoy an awesome night at the PBR and on top of tickets you will get some sweet PBR gear! Here is what you need to do to win: Tag who you would want to bring with you on our Facebook post...
PBR Is Coming To Town!
PBR Is Coming To Town!
PBR Is Coming To Town!
It is almost time for the PBR! The PBR is by far the toughest sport on dirt and we have your chance to win tickets! Not only tickets but we have a special PBR package as well! Listen to us in the am for your chance to win free tickets and also for details on how you can win a Ladies Night Out at the PBR...
Win Tickets And Backstage For 21 Pilots
Win Tickets And Backstage For 21 Pilots
Win Tickets And Backstage For 21 Pilots
UPDATE: Final Seven Selfie Poses Are Posted Below (1/20) When we found out we were going to be able to hook up Club Kiss VIP's with tickets and Meet 'n Greets for Twenty One Pilots' February 7th concert in Bozeman, we wanted to make sure that the real fans won...
Vote For The Ugliest Kitchen
Vote For The Ugliest Kitchen
Vote For The Ugliest Kitchen
Thank you to everyone who submitted their kitchens for the Ultimate Kitchen Makeover. There were a lot of ugly kitchens to pick from and we had a hard time deciding the finalists but here are the four that we thought could use a little TLC! Please vote for one of the kitchens below...
Kiss My Kitchen!
Kiss My Kitchen!
Kiss My Kitchen!
Are Your Kitchen Appliances Outdated?  Ready for a free upgrade? We're looking for the ugliest, most outdated kitchen in town.  If you think it's yours, submit a photo using the form below.  We'll take our favorites and put them up for a vote.  The winner w...
KISS FM Weekend Pre-Funk
KISS FM Weekend Pre-Funk
KISS FM Weekend Pre-Funk
97.1 KISS FM wants to hook you up with the best concert tickets, gift certificates and movie passes that get you geared up and ready for the weekend.  Every Thursday at 5pm Jenn Parker is going to be hitting the streets of Billings with the KISS prize-mobile. We ...
KISS Castaways Contest: Day 3
KISS Castaways Contest: Day 3
KISS Castaways Contest: Day 3
We are down to three castaways after day three of the competition. I'm pretty sure everyone is super excited to see who wins so that they can go home and shower! Can't say I don't blame them. The morning competition was a good ol' game of trivia...
KISS Castaways Contest: Day 2 Recap
KISS Castaways Contest: Day 2 Recap
KISS Castaways Contest: Day 2 Recap
Day 2 of challenges went well. This morning, both teams partook in a 'milking' competition. The original idea was that we would have teams milk dairy cows but we found out there are no dairy cows at the MontanaFair this year soooo we came up with a spin off of milking a cow...

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