Remember That Awful Construction in Billings Heights? It’s Over!
If you remember over a year ago, I wrote about some awful construction in the Heights. The purpose of the construction was to modernize and increase the accessibility of the crosswalks, but it caused some massive backups if you were commuting early in the morning. The good news is that the project has fully completed as of today.
No More Traffic Cones...For Now
For a long time, folks in the Heights had to deal with quite a lot of construction. It often brought traffic down to one lane in certain areas, but it served a very important purpose. Firstly, the construction worked on raising and revitalizing the old and somewhat decrepit medians on Main Street.
However, a major part of this construction was to increase the accessibility of the crosswalks. The majority of crosswalks on Main were not compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act. With brand new reflective stoplights, speaking walk buttons and countdown crosswalk signs, it makes it much more friendly to those who have disabilities.
The Road Work Establishes a Safer Driving Environment
According to a press release from the Montana Department of Transportation (MDOT), other improvements made include updated signage along the road, as well as improved storm drain grates, and re-painted pavement markings. With the updated features, it's a welcome safety improvement on one of the busiest roads in Billings.

If you would like to voice your opinion on this project, the MDOT has asked for public comment at the website listed here. And, just because the road is updated doesn't mean you should drive recklessly on the road during the Winter. Remember to look out for others on these snowy roads.
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