Garage Sale Season Is Here
Yesterday my whole day was made as I was driving home and I spotted a garage sale sign! Yard sales are one of my very favorite things about the weather getting nicer. I spotted a sign about 6 blocks from my house and I couldn't help it I had to go!
There is something about finding treasures that just makes my heart smile! Do I need most of the stuff I find? No. Probably not but I can't help it I love buying other peoples junk!
I found what I thought was a very retro looking spray bottle but it turns out it is fact a spray bottle for bee hives. Or at least that is what the sweet little old man told me! Needless to say I couldn't leave it behind for three bucks! I don't plan on spraying bees what so ever so I just mist my plants with it haha I had to find something to do with it because I insisted I had to have it.
Great start to the garage sale season for sure! I am looking forward to finding some junk I don't need all summer long! Maybe I will have to have one myself then that way I can make room for more treasures!
I am REALLY looking forward to Billings Largest Garage Sale happening again this year! It is the promise land of Garage Sales! Keep listening for details...
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