Help Out Our Firefighters
Coming up this Saturday is Safe Kids Day at Rimrock Mall with Meier Family Chiropractic. Not only can you get your car seat checked and tour fire trucks but you can help out all firefighters who are working hard on helping our great state. I can not even imagine what they are going through, but we can help with simple things they really need. Doctor Kim and Doctor Jeff at Meier are amazing and I could not be more proud of them for all they do for our wonderful community. If you can help out please do! This what Dr. Kim said they are in need of:
"DROP OFF SUPPLIES FOR THE FIREFIGHTERS at Safe Kids Day this Saturday. The trailer will be in front of Rimrock Mall- Donations will be accepted 11-2pm. Needed: Water, Gatorade, Trail Mix, Eye Drops, T-shirts, Socks, Underwear, Gas Cards, Other High Energy Snacks."
Thank you to all of the men and women from across the nation for helping us put these fires out. I have family in other states who unfortunately are devastated by fires as well. Talking with them and hearing what they are going through too is terrible. I hope and pray for some rain for all of us. In the mean time lets help these firefighters who are much braver than I could ever imagine to be. When the rest of us run from danger they run towards it. Brave indeed. Hope you can help them out! I wish I could hug everyone of them for keeping us safe. Hope to see you Saturday!
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