Saturday, August 17th

Black Cat Appreciation Day

My kitten Nyx gets a special day!  Right now as I am writing this, she is sleeping in.  If you have a black cat living in your home, give them some extra love and play with them.  And if they cross your path, remember that it's just a superstition.

Credit: Travis Lee, TSM
Credit: Travis Lee, TSM

Baby Boomers Recognition Day

I get a day too.  I'm just within the end of the Baby Boomer age range, born in 196--...oops, I'm aging myself.

National Non-Profit Day

These are the organizations who provide good in the community, funded by the generosity of people who freely give.  It is the care in people manifest in action.  So please take a little time to make a donation this day.

And another holiday related to Non-Profit Day is...

National Thrift Shop Day

Many thrift stores are income streams for non-profit agencies who serve the same communities.  Now you know where to go shopping today.

Sunday, August 18th

National Fajita Day

I can't remember the last time I had a fajita.  Sounds good for dinner.

Pinot Noir Day

Have to have something to wash down the fajitas.  Why not a classy drink.

National Ice Cream Pie Day

Now we're talking.  An excellent, decadent dessert after fajitas.

Stomach Health Day

Okay I just made up this one.  But after celebrating these three food holidays, I need some Pepto-Bismol.

World Breast Cancer Research Day

On a serious note, here's a good reason to give and to wear the pink.  Each year around 255,000 women and about 2,300 men will be diagnosed with breast cancer.  While medical advancements have greatly improved the treatments, still a long way to go.  So in the meantime, if it's been a while since the last one, get checked soon.

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Montana Town Names That Celebrate How Big and Awesome It Is

It's the fourth-largest state, so why wouldn't Montana have town names that celebrate how big and wonderful it is?

Gallery Credit: Ashley

13 Popular Foods Sold in State of Montana May Be Linked to Cancer

Red 3 is a known carcinogen. You can read about how it can affect the body HERE. These products currently contain the soon to be illegal additive.

Gallery Credit: Michelle Heart

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