I Am Just Nuts About This
This maybe the best thing to hit town in along time! The NUTmobile is coming to Billings! Yep that is right Mr. Peanut is in town! It is 26 foot-long peanut on four wheels! Nuts right?! When you think about peanuts of course you think about him.
The "Nutmobile" has three people who get the joy of being the peanut pilots. They are known as Peanutters, and they are recent collage grads. Here is where you can find the NUTmobile in town! If you happen to go check it out you can get a free sample, coupons, and stickers. Plus what a great photo op!
Thursday - 3137 Grand Ave. from Noon - 5 PM
Friday - 670 Main Street Noon - 5 PM
Saturday - 511 Central Ave. 2 PM - 5 PM
Sunday - 2334 Central Ave. 10 AM - 1 PM
Sunday - 611 North 27th 2 pm - 5 pm