Today I'm giving a shout-out to those of you who decorate your house and yards for Halloween. It helps put everybody in the spirit.

And I'm guessing that the houses that decorate also have the "good" candy. I know that if I were trick or treating, I would definitely make sure that I went to those types of houses.

Credit: Mark Wilson, TSM
Credit: Mark Wilson, TSM

I don't decorate for Halloween which is part of the reason that I appreciate those who do. And I always think of two things when I see a well-decorated place: First, is "wow, that's a lot of money". And the second is "where do they store all of that stuff the rest of the year?".

Credit: Mark Wilson, TSM
Credit: Mark Wilson, TSM

I miss the days when we would take our daughter down to Clark Avenue for trick or treating. That street always gets dressed up. Although I don't miss all of the walking, I miss the atmosphere. Most kids that have been trick or treating there as a kid will always remember it.

Credit: Mark Wilson, TSM
Credit: Mark Wilson, TSM

I know a guy whose decorations for his yard have always included a fake corpse he has named "Marcus the Carcus". And some years after it's dark on Halloween night, he'll dress just like "Marcus" and scare the heck out of kids and parents. Even most dads aren't very cool when being grabbed by something that they thought was dead.

Please be on the lookout for the kids tonight. And if you are giving out candy, give out GOOD candy!

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