What Car Color Gets The Most Speeding Tickets In Montana

If I wasn't a DJ, I would want to be a race car driver, as I LOVE to drive fast.

That's not an exaggeration, and I have the speeding tickets to prove it.

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A blurry red car representing speeding with a graphic of a radar gun showing 100

Do Red Cars Get The Most Speeding Tickets

I no longer speed like I did in my younger days, but back when I was a speed demon, the car I drove was red.

I always believed it was my car being red that led to me getting pulled over for speeding, not the fact that I was speeding; it didn't help that everyone said the same thing.

It turns out that it's an urban legend that red cars get pulled over more or that they are more expensive to insure.

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A blank speeding ticket with a graphic of a police officer writing a ticket

This Color Car Is Getting The Most Speeding Tickets In Montana

According to the website American Auto Insurance, the car getting the most speeding tickets is also the most popular car color sold in America.

For over a decade, this color has outsold every other color and thus has been issued more speeding tickets as well.

That also holds true for Montana, as according to a report from I See Cars we see 28.5% of all cars in Montana are this color.

With more of these cars on the road than any other color, it only makes sense that you'd see more tickets issued for WHITE cars.

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Gallery Credit: Nick Northern

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Gallery Credit: Ryan Antoinette Valenzuela

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Gallery Credit: Nick Northern

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