Now Showing A Few Classic Movies
Have you been to the movies lately? I know a lot of people have gone to see IT and a few other ones that just came out, but did you know there are few classics as well?! Last night we were just sitting around the house doing a lot of nothing so I suggested we go see a movie because it has been forever since we last went to a flick. So I pulled up the show times and I about lost my mind when I saw what was playing. Instead of checking out something new we decided to go see Close Encounters Of Third Kind! It is the 40th anniversary of the movie. I guess I saw it as a kid but I don't remember it. I always wondered why my mom would stack my mash potatoes in the shape of Devils Tower and now I know why. It was really fun to see a classic movie in the theater. Not only can you see that movie but on Wednesday at the Shiloh 14 they will be showing E.T. one show only at 7pm! I decided I am going to get my tickets today because I don't want to miss out on that! Tomorrow at The Art House they are showing Young Frankenstein! Looks like I have a full week of movies ahead of me!
If you had to pick some older movies to make it back to the movies what would you pick? I thought long and hard about this and my list was pretty dang long, but If I had to pick one I would have to go with Goonies. It is by far my favorite movie in the world. I swear I must have watched it thousands of times. I can quote every line word for word. Have you ever played a dvd so many times it just stopped playing? I have done that to two Goonies dvds. Maybe one day it will make back to the theater. Goonies never say die...