SnapChat Threats From Anaconda Teens
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{Opinion} Oh, SnapChat.... I technically still have a SnapChat but I mostly use the filters on that app and then save it to add my my Instagram Stories... which is basically SnapChat on a different platform. I know that sounds crazy but it is what it is. If you have no idea what SnapChat it let me give you the simple version: an app where people can take pictures or quick videos and then send them to friends within the app. The pictures are video disappear after a certain amount of time.
While these apps are fun and I use them frequently, I don't think they are necessarily good for 14-year-old girls and 17-year-old boys. Why? Because they are still young. They are in constant proximity with the same people everyday, do they really need to send photos of each other to each other?? They already see each other LOL. Maybe I'm too old at a whopping 29-years-old to understand but I just don't see the point and plus as a parent I am sure it is hard to monitor what kids are up to. Luckily, someone saw the two teens from Anaconda SnapChat's and reported it!
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KBUL Newsroom - Two teenagers in Anaconda are facing charges after allegedly making threats on SnapChat to shoot up the high school last week. An unidentified 17-year-old boy and 14-year-old girl will be charged with felony intimidation. Someone at Anaconda High School called police after seeing the alleged threats. Schools were temporarily on lockdown and reopened once police determined it was safe.
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