
The 10 Commandments of Using Roundabouts
The 10 Commandments of Using Roundabouts
The 10 Commandments of Using Roundabouts
Roundabouts. They are the best invention for traffic control, truly. Unfortunately, not everyone knows exactly how to maneuver them. There are so many here in Billings that I figured there has to be some general rules to using said roundabouts...
Use Your Cars Turn Signal
Use Your Cars Turn Signal
Use Your Cars Turn Signal
I have honestly never lived somewhere that uses their turn signals LESS than here in Montana. Oh. My. Gosh. I can't decide if people don't know what that function is on their car, if they've never been taught to do so or if everyone is just INCREDIBLY lazy...
JP Is Learning To Drive Stick
JP Is Learning To Drive Stick
JP Is Learning To Drive Stick
Yes, you read that headline correct. I'm almost 28 years old and have never learned how to drive a stick shift or manual car.  My husband has been pestering me for years to learn how to drive stick in case something comes up and I need to drive his car. Thu...
How Is Drinking And Driving Still A Thing? [OPINION]
How Is Drinking And Driving Still A Thing? [OPINION]
How Is Drinking And Driving Still A Thing? [OPINION]
I am always deeply saddened when I hear of another person passing away due to the irresponsibility of choosing to drink drunk.  I understand that while intoxicated you can usually talk yourself into anything and you make yourself to be invincible, but after so many deaths and accidents and the numerous campaigns and the millions of families that have been affected, you would think the decision to

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