
The Nitty Gritty on a Potential Tax Rebate for Montanans
The Nitty Gritty on a Potential Tax Rebate for Montanans
The Nitty Gritty on a Potential Tax Rebate for Montanans
Rep. Bill Mercer (R-Billings) got into "the nitty gritty" details of what a tax rebate could look like on Monday morning. He says the lawmakers who are proposing the tax rebates have modeled the legislation off of what has already been done in the state of Georgia.
It's Time to Streamline Education
It's Time to Streamline Education
It's Time to Streamline Education
I talked about this earlier in the week. Taxes. Everybody's getting them done right now. And, we're finding out how much Uncle Sam is keeping. And, finding out how little of it we get back in a refund. Not everybody is getting a refund. Many are getting sticker shock from what their "Obamacare" cost them...

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