Take The Plunge And Donate
Did you know that every two seconds someone in the U.S. needs blood? Did you know that one donation can save up to three people? Can you imagine if you or a loved one were in need of a transfusion and the blood wasn't available? These are just a few of the reasons to donate and tomorrow you can do just that. Come by the Double Tree by Hilton (aka the old Crown Plaza) and make a donation!
The blood drive will go from 12:00pm - 3:15pm on the second floor of the hotel - Sky bridge one. You can schedule your appointment at the front desk on the first floor or contact Maria Rodas at 252-7400. You can also call UBS at 248-9168 to pick your time to come save someone in need.Find the hero in you and help out tomorrow! With warm weather comes a lot of traveling and out door activities and as sad is to think about it accident do happen. If someone is in need of blood and their blood type isn't available would just be devastating. Help UBS out so they can help others. Find the hero in you and schedule your appointment today!
(Please bring a photo ID. Free cholesterol testing with every donation!)
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